Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=╟o≡u 3D oyun en az 256 KB L2 ÷nbelle≡i ile daha iyi τal²■²r.
Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² en az 1 GHz CPU'ya ihtiyaτ duyar.
For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=En iyi ba■ar²m iτin Windows 9x en az 100 MHz CPU'ya ihtiyaτ duyar.
For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=En iyi ba■ar²m iτin Windows 2000+ en az 300 MHz CPU'ya ihtiyaτ duyar.
MMX is not supported.=MMX desteklenmiyor.
SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=SSE desteklenmiyor. ▌■lemcini yⁿkseltin, SSE iτin uyarlanm²■ uygulamalar²n²z²n h²z²n² artt²r²n.
Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=3'ten az bellek yuvas² tespit edildi . Sistem belle≡inin geni■letilmesi zor olabilir.
You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=32 MB'tan az sistem belle≡ine sahipsiniz.
Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn i■letim sistemleri en iyi ba■ar²m iτin en az 128 MB sistem belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar.
3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=3D oyunlar en iyi ba■ar²m iτin en az 256 MB sistem belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar.
Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Sunucu (bilgisayar) i■levleri en iyi ba■ar²m iτin en az 256 MB sistem belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar.
Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=Daha fazla sistem belle≡i yⁿkleyin, uygulamalar²n²z² h²zland²r²n.
Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=Anakart τipseti tⁿm sistem belle≡ini ÷nbellekleyemez
Motherboard chipset cannot handle more memory.=Anakart τipseti daha fazla belle≡i tan²yamaz.
External cache is asynchronous.=Harici ÷nbellek e■zamans²z.
External cache is disabled.=Harici ÷nbellek etkin de≡il.
Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=Yava■ bellek (FPM / EDO / BEDO) tespit edildi. E≡er mⁿmkⁿnse SDRAM veya RDRAM'e yⁿkseltin.
Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² h²zl² bellek ister (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).
AGP is disabled.=AGP etkin de≡il.
AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=AGP aral²k(aperture) boyutu sistem belle≡inin yar²s²ndan fazla.
Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=▐u anki AGP h²z² desteklenen en yⁿksek h²zdan daha dⁿ■ⁿk.
System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Sistem BIOS'u 2 y²ldan daha eski.Gerekli ise gⁿncelleyin.
Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=G÷rⁿntⁿ BIOS'u 2 y²ldan daha eski.Gerekli ise gⁿncelleyin.
Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=Sadece 1 CPU tak²l², Tek i■lemci HAL'²na de≡i■tirmelisiniz.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=Sisteminiz Windows 2000/XP ile τal²■maya haz²r g÷rⁿnⁿyor. Bu sistemlere yⁿkseltmeyi dⁿ■ⁿnmelisiniz.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=Sisteminiz Windows 98/Me ile τal²■maya haz²r g÷rⁿnⁿyor. Bu sistemlere yⁿkseltmeyi dⁿ■ⁿnmelisiniz.
Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=Servis paketi eskimi■. Windows NT alt²nda Servis Paketi 5 ve sonras² ÷nerilir.
Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows 10 gⁿnden fazla τal²■²yor. Yeniden ba■latmak sistem ba■ar²m²n² artt²racakt²r.
Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Internet Explorer eskimi■. Sⁿrⁿm 5.0 veya sonras² ÷nerilir.
DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=DirectX bulunamad². Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn uygulamalar² ve oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar.
DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=DirectX eskimi■. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn oyunlar² DirectX 7 ve sonras²n² gerektirir.
Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=4 MB'tan az g÷rⁿntⁿ belle≡i bulundu. Daha iyi ba■ar²m iτin g÷rⁿntⁿ kart²n²z² yⁿkseltin.
Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² en az 32 MB g÷rⁿntⁿ belle≡ine ihtiyaτ duyar.
Increase resolution for better visual quality.=Daha iyi g÷rⁿntⁿ kalitesi iτin τ÷zⁿnⁿrlⁿ≡ⁿ artt²r²n.
Increase color depth for better visual quality.=Daha iyi g÷rⁿntⁿ kalitesi iτin renk derinli≡ini artt²r²n.
Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=Baz² uygulamalar 32-bit renk derinli≡inde daha iyi τal²■²r.
Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=Bⁿyⁿk yaz² tipi kullanmak, ÷nceden ayarlanmam²■ uygulamarda g÷rsel sorunlara yol aτabilir .
At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic displays.=Klasik monit÷rler iτin en az 85 Hz dikey tarama h²z² ÷nerilir.
Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=IP ba■l²k s²k²■t²rmas²n² etkinle■tirin, bu a≡ h²z²n²z² artt²racakt²r.
Enable software compression to increase network speed.=Yaz²l²m s²k²■t²rmas²n² etkinle■tirin, bu a≡ h²z²n²z² artt²racakt²r.
32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-Bit i■leme (rendering) desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar.
Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=Z-tamponlama desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar.
32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=32-Bit Z-Buffer wird nicht unterstⁿtzt. Moderne 3D Spiele ben÷tigen dies aber m÷glicherweise.
Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Anisotropic Filtreleme desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar.
Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Stencil tamponlama desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar.
Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Donan²m tabanl² D÷nⁿ■ⁿm & Ayd²nlatma desteklenmiyor. Gⁿnⁿmⁿzⁿn 3D oyunlar² buna ihtiyaτ duyar.